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 Make Sure Your Sound Is Turned ON!
How I Sold $2,000,000 Worth Of House Painting Jobs In Just 3 Years


Learn How To Protect Your Profit And Close The Deal

  • ​"Ok, we have to think about it..."
  • ​"Ok, thank you for coming out...we'll give you a call in a few days..." 
  • "Ok, we want to get a few more estimates..." 
  • ​"This is a little more than what we were expecting..."

These responses are KILLING your profit! 

I Had It All Wrong

I stopped treating the estimate process as if I were performing a "service" and started to create an "experience". My sales DOUBLED.
I would go into quotes without a purpose or a plan. Instead, I would measure and give them a price. The phone wasn't ringing, and I found myself stressed out and concerned about the lack of business.
I had to figure out why I wasn't selling I realized that I was under-bidding, and giving way too much away for FREE.
I stopped letting the customer control the estimate - I had to become a professional. I had to learn my numbers, I had to learn my up-sells. I had to start really crunching numbers and identifying where I would be most profitable. 

HOW I mastered this
game-changing sales process

HOW I Mastered This game-Changing Sales Process

  • ​I would start the estimate process with 3 Motivation-Driven Questions
  • I would use the answer to those 3 questions to highlight exactly how I could be the solution to THEIR biggest concerns...
  • ​I built value and up-sold after developing a strategic menu-based pricing system, (which has doubled our average job size)
  • ​By the time I delivered the price, I had practically become a HERO in their eyes, someone they trust to deliver a high-quality paint job
  • I mastered how to overcome the TWO most common objections, giving me the confidence to ASK for the sale
Estimates provide opportunity. Opportunity is only as good as your ability to capitalize on that opportunity
A solid sales process gives you the ability to capitalize on that opportunity. 

I had to learn how to SELL
if I wanted my business to SURVIVE

I Had To Learn How To SELL If I Wanted My Business To SURVIVE

The game changed when I realized that like everything that is successful, it requires a strategy.
I perfected my in-house sales presentation, and doubled my yearly sales!
Is it really true that I could do the SAME EXACT Sales presentation every single time I did an estimate? The answer to that question is YES

Going to the house, measuring up a quote, saying thank you for your time and sending it via email was costing me thousands upon thousands of DOLLARS. I wouldn't hear back from clients because all they would do is look at the price and rule me out! 

I knew I had to learn how to close the deal IN THE HOUSE. I realized that purchasing a house painting job was, like many buying decisions, emotional. I knew if I asked the right questions, I could drastically improve my closing ratio! 
Tanner Mullen
With over 10 years sales experience, I've been able to create a results-driven sales course for house painters all over the United States. 

My house painting company has produced over $2,000,000 in business since it's inception just 3 short years ago due to the in-house sales process of which I've developed and am sharing with you here. I'm passionate about helping contractors exceed their limitations and truly reach their potential. 

Imagine If You
Could Double Your Sales...

  • ​How many more crews could you hire? 
  • How quickly could you expand your company?  
  • How much less would you spend on leads by capitalizing on opportunity
  • ​How much confidence would you have about your pricing and processes?
...Most importantly much time would this allow you to step away from the day to day & focus on your loved ones? 


The Painting Business Sales Academy

The 4-Step Program to develop and implement a proven, systematic house painting sales experience.

The Game-Plan


Module 1: Foundation - Job Costing & Numbers

  • Lesson 1: Job Costing
  • Lesson 2: Ultimate Spreadsheet Walkthrough & Tutorial


Module 2: Stop Estimating, Start Selling

  • Lesson 1: The 3 Questions: Question 1
  • Lesson 2: The 3 Questions: Question 2
  • Lesson 3: The 3 Questions: Question 3
  • ​Lesson 4: Confused Buyers Always Say No!
  • ​Lesson 5: Be a Professional 


Module 3: The Pricing Calculator: Estimating Made Easy!

  • Lesson 1: Interior Estimating
  • Lesson 2: Exterior Estimating
  • Lesson 3: Interior Estimating Up-Sells
  • ​Lesson 4: Exterior Estimating Up-Sells
  • ​Lesson 5: Pricing a Bedroom Up-Sells 


Module 4: Stop Estimating, Start Selling Part 2

  • Lesson 1: The Warm Up!
  • Lesson 2: Apples to Apples?
  • Lesson 3: Leveling The Playing Field
  • ​Lesson 4: Setting Expectations
  • ​Lesson 5: Interior Price Presentation
  • Lesson 6: Exterior Price Presentation
  • ​Lesson 7: Negotiation Leverage
  • ​Lesson 8: Overcoming Objections: Closing The Deal 

Game-Changing Resources

Profit-Focused Estimating & Up-Selling

Why are you spending so much time estimating? Learn the easiest estimating system in the House Painting Industry.

Utilize the Price Calculator Mobile App to identify marginal pricing based off of costs. Accurately estimate any size job in under 10 minutes! 

Job Costing & Margins 

Ever wonder how much you made on a job? Did you know this is one of the most important things for a business owner to know? 

Learn how to job cost every single job, so you know exactly how profitable your company is. Quickly identify if you're under-bidding with the Ultimate Job Costing Tracker. 

Stop Estimating, Start Selling

The $2,000,000 In House Sales & Estimating System

Utilize the EXACT In-House Sales Formula I use in my own painting business. This EXACT formula has helped me sell over $2,000,000 in House Painting jobs. 

Exclusive Bonuses

Interior/Exterior Pricing Templates

Proposal Sheets

Download & Customize our Interior & Exterior Proposal templates strategically designed to help you build value before presenting the price! You will NOT find these any where else! 

Pricing Calculator Tutorial

Profitably Price On The GO

Before using the pricing calculator, I found that I was under-selling my interior paint jobs and losing 15% profit every single time! Learn how I price jobs & capitalize on up-sell opportunity with this easy-to-use mobile calculator. 

Ultimate Profit Tracker

Job Costing. Sales. Labor.

All-in-one, easy to use tracker designed to help you keep a birds-eye view of your business. 
Take advantage of this NOW
limited time offer!
So you're not sure if this is for you...
Let me ask you...
If you learn just ONE thing from this course that gives you the edge to sell just ONE more job, would you agree that it would be worth it? 

Remember, this isn't just an investment in your business. It's an investment in yourself. And all self-investments yield a return. 
- Tanner Mullen

Here’s A Recap Of


When You Join The Painting Business Sales Academy!

  • Strategic Pricing & Up-Selling ($97 Value)
  • ​Job Costing & Margins ($97 Value)
  • ​$2,000,000 In-House Sales Process Training ($497 Value)
  • Interior & Exterior Estimating Tutorials & Examples ($197 Value)
  • ​Negotiation Strategy ($197 Value)
  • Overcoming Objections, Closing The Deal ($197 Value)
  • Interior & Exterior Proposal Templates ($47 Value)
  • Ultimate Tracker ($97 Value)
Total Value: $1,426
But today, you're getting all of this...
For Only $97

Your Unconditional Money-Back Guarantee

If you implement EVERYTHING I show you, and don't see a change in your business, I'll give you a full refund!
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